We're sure you'll all remember how we told you that David had designed a doodle that would be available on a range of merchandise to raise funds for Headway Essex, well the good news is that they are now ready and available for UK fans to order!
Headway Essex say:
David Tennant the Patron of Headway Essex has exclusively designed a fantastic doodle to raise funds for the brain injury charity.If you want to keep David close to your heart the David Doodle T-shirt is just what you need! These t-shirts are the ultimate Ethical shirt made from organic cotton. They come in both male and female fit with a full range of sizes. Headway Essex is raising funds by selling the t-shirts for £22 each. Delivery is free.For the more adventurous among you, you could always rest your head and 'Dream with David' on your very own David Doodle Pillowcase! This contemporary style black doodle on a white cotton mix pillowcase looks fabulous. Headway Essex is raising funds by selling each pillowcase for £10. Delivery is free.