BRAZIL: Watch Episode 7 Of Broadchurch On GNT Tonight

Episode 7 of Broadchurch starring David Tennant, Olivia Colman and Arthur Darvill airs tonight on GNT in Brazil at 22.30. The 8-part series follows events in a small English town after the body of a schoolboy is discovered on the beach.

Episódio 7: 
Tom, o filho de Ellie, parece estar mais envolvido com o crime do que sua mãe imaginava. Nige e Susan são chamados para serem interrogados por Ellie e Alec e revelam segredos cruciais para a resolução do caso.

Horários alternativos Quinta, 19 de Setembro 17.00

Episode 7:
Tom, the son of Ellie, seems to be more involved with the crime than his mother imagined. Nige and Susan are called in to be interrogated by Ellie and Alec and reveal secrets that are crucial to the resolution of the case.

Repeated Thursday, September 19th  17:00

Find out more about Broadchurch on our website - please be aware that some articles contain spoilers
