The French Adaptation Of Broadchurch Is In Production, Shine France Confirm

Following the huge success of the French broadcasts of the award wining ITV drama Broadchurch - the final two episodes air tonight on France 2 - production company Shine France have confirmed that the French remake of the series is currently in development. An American version, Gracepoint, executive produced by original series creator Chris Chibnall is currently in production in Canada with David Tennant reprising his lead role.

French website Europe 1 posted earlier:

Made in France. France 2 diffuse lundi soir les deux derniers épisodes de Broadchurch et s'attend une nouvelle fois à de très belles audiences. La série policière britannique a cartonné ces deux dernières semaines, permettant à la Deux de dépasser les 6 millions de téléspectateurs en prime time et de devancer toutes les chaînes concurrentes. Un succès qui inspire la chaîne publique, puisque celle-ci a commandé une version française de Broadchurch en huit épisodes, selon Le Parisien.
"L'adaptation pour France 2 est en cours d'écriture", a confirmé la société de production Shine France au quotidien. "Quatre auteurs y travaillent et nous avons déjà trouvé le réalisateur principal". Reste à savoir qui figurera au casting...

Une saison 2 au Royaume-Uni. De l'autre côté de la Manche, où Broadchurch a également enregistré de très bonnes audiences, une saison 2 a été lancée, mais l'acteur principal, David Tennant, n'a pas confirmé sa participation. Il est vrai qu'il s'est déjà engagé à tourner... le remake américain de la série, décidément devenue un très bon produit d'exportation.


Made in France . France 2 broadcasts the final two episodes of Broadchurch on Monday night and once again anticipates great audiences. The British police series has been a hit over the last two weeks, allowing Two to bring in over 6 million prime time viewers and to outperform all rival channels. The success has inspired the public channel, to the extent that it has commissioned an eight episode French version of Broadchurch, according to Le Parisien .
"The adaptation for France 2 is currently being written," confirmed the production company Shine France to the daily paper. "Four writers are working on it and we have already found the principal director." It just remains to reveal the cast...

A second series for the UK. On the other side of the Channel, where Broadchurch also recorded very very strong audiences, series 2 has been announced, but the lead actor, David Tennant, has not confirmed his participation. It is true that he has already committed to filming ... the American remake of the series, decidedly becoming a very good export product.

Find out more about Broadchurch here
