INDIA: David Tennant Makes His Debut As The Doctor On FX Tonight

David Tennant will be seen for the first time as the Tenth Doctor on Doctor Who on TV in India tonight. He will appear briefly in the closing minutes of the Season 1 finale The Parting Of The Ways, which stars Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor and Billie Piper and John Barrowman as companions Rose Tyler and Jack Harkness.

Doctor Who
Season 1, Episode 13: The Parting Of The Ways
FX, 9.00pm
The fate of the Universe is hanging in the balance as the Dalek fleet begins their invasion of Earth. The Doctor's friendship with Rose is put to the ultimate test as he is forced to take desperate measures to save humanity from annihilation.

The episode will be repeated at midnight tonight, at 9am, 1pm and 5pm tomorrow and as part of the Saturday afternoon marathon of all of this week's new episodes.

David Tennant's first full season of Doctor Who begins tomorrow at 9pm with the season 2 opener New Earth.
